Shipping Policy

  • We ship the products all over India.
  • We ship through reputed courier companies including Delhivery, Xpressbees, Ekart, DTDC, Trackon, Professional, Ecom Express, India Post and others to ensure safe and fast delivery.
  • Delivery can take 2-5 working days for metro cities and 4-7 working days for rest of India.  Delay may be caused by courier partners due to any unforeseen reasons and is not our responsibility.
  • If Product is in stock, we dispatch the product within 48 hours of your order otherwise we will inform you by mail about availability of the product within 2-3 days.
  • In case if we are unable to deliver the product through courier then we deliver it through India Post.
  • If product is defective, damaged, or broken, contact us within 2 Days of delivery otherwise no return or refund claims will be entertained.
  • If Product is not working, request you to contact on our technical support number immediately.
  • There are no additional shipping charges when you purchase a product.
  • Returns and warranty, if any, have been mentioned with particular products in product information page.
  • Once order is confirmed, no cancellation will be entertained.
  • If order is prepaid and customer did not accept, receive, or collect the courier or return the courier then shipping charges and return charges will be deducted from the prepaid amount and rest will be refunded back after evaluating the issue.
  • If order is cancelled by our end for any reason, we will refund the full amount back to your account or card whichever is applicable within 5 working days.
  • If order is failed or cancelled and money gets deducted from your account, then your paid amount will be automatically refunded back to your card or account whichever is applicable.